Logo Design Questionnaire Let's get startedName* First Last Email* Company*Who is your Account Manager?*Please select one...Darrah HansenMalina ChristoffersonRussell WeilIs this a re-design or a new design?* Re-design New design Tell us about your companyWhat is your company/organization/product name?*What services or products does your company provide?*What sets your company apart from others?*Who is your main competitor?*If you had to describe your company/organization in one word, what would it be and why?*If your brand was a person, how would you describe their personality?*What style are you looking for?Where will the logo be primarily used?*Please select one...OnlinePrintDoes your company have a tagline or slogan that should be included with the logo?* Yes No What is your tagline or slogan?Are there any design elements you would prefer to see in the logo?*How do you prefer your logo to be worded or written out? - Example: thequickfox or the quick fox*Show us what you like...Which logo do you prefer?* Which logo do you prefer?* Which logo do you prefer?* Which logo do you prefer?* Pick up to three colors you'd like your designers to explore.* Blues Aquas Greens Purples Pinks Reds Yellows Light Neutrals Dark Neutrals Let Designer make suggestions Tell us about the re-design...What elements from your previous logo would you like to retain?What is the reason for modifying or re-designing your logo?What do your customers recognize first when they see your logo?Why does your company use the colors, fonts, etc. that is does?Anything Else?Did we cover everything?* Yes No We've covered quite a lot. Is there anything that you think we need to know that we have not yet covered?What did we miss?CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.